Thursday, June 28, 2012

How Kombucha saved my Gut and Maybe my Life

I’ve tried many health products and it is a rare find when something acts on a big problem, quickly and undeniably. Kombucha is very special to me for this reason. Several years ago, my digestive system was in a poor condition. What had started as infrequent bouts of indigestion was becoming more and more frequent. I was underweight, dipping under 100 pounds as I was unable to digest food properly to receive adequate nutrition. Several times per week I would be up at night in the bathroom, in pain, unable to digest the food I had eaten. Enter GT’s Kombucha. While grocery shopping one day I picked up this Godsend, not knowing what it would do for my problem. When I first took a drink, I didn’t like the taste. It tasted vinegary, kind of like sour beer, and I put it in the back of the fridge. “I won’t be drinking too much of that!” I decided. But a couple days later, I had a digestive episode and began desperately trying to remedy it. There was the bottle of kombucha, sitting in the fridge. I took a few sips and my stomach felt better and better. I couldn’t believe it! The digestive episode that I had felt coming on was much less severe than the ones I had previously experienced. I began drinking GT’s daily and the episodes stopped completely. During the next few years, if I went a week or so without my precious kombucha, the episodes returned. I began craving it and I now love the taste. Why did it help? I suspect it was due to the probiotics, enzymes and beneficial acids that kombucha contains. I have since learned more about digestive issues and I believe I suffered from a bacterial infection of the small intestine. With its probiotic content including S. Boulardii, which is effective against some types of diarrhea, I believe it knocked back a bacterial infection that was causing painful gas and acid production in my small intestine. I also seemed to have had low stomach acid which impedes digestion. The acids in kombucha help lower the stomach ph so that the body’s enzymes are activated and proper digestion can take place. The enzymes kombucha contains may have also helped break down food in my digestive system that my damaged gut was having trouble processing. At any rate, kombucha was a miracle for me. Thanks, GT.   

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bacterial cause of eczema- Get rid of it for good!

Many eczema sufferers are not aware that staph and other bacterial infections are a common cause or complication of eczema, causing irritation to spread and hindering healing. Treating the rash as a bacterial problem and/or seeing a dermatologist to have a culture taken could be the key to getting rid of your eczema for good. It seemed to be the case for me, as my severe eczema was cleared up when I began to take Sovereign Silver, a natural antibacterial. The results were dramatic and my six year battle with severe eczema on my hands was won (see pics below). Similarly, my son, who has also suffered from eczema got relief from an antibacterial lotion applied to his rash. (After reading that goldenseal extract is effective against staph, I added some to his lotion and it cleared his rash right up.) Now I am a huge believer that bacteria is a common and often overlooked cause of eczema.